Month: November 2014

Lazy Yoga: The 800 Sun Salutation Challenge

Deliberate Practice.  That’s a very interesting article that I read today talking about the difference between Practicing your craft and Deliberately Practicing your craft.  The part of the article that really resonated with me was about how Kobe Bryant stayed on the court practicing until he successfully shot 800 baskets.

I also have been listening to the reading of a book called Replenish where the author talks about Joyful Movement and how we should all choose activities that we enjoy doing and make us happy.

Between these two inspirations I have come up with a new challenge for myself.  I want to do 800 Sun Salutations staying present in each pose.  I printed up an image from this website  that has both Surya Namaskara A & B on it.  I am going to count either version as step toward my goal.  To keep track I am going to set up a small altar with jars of beads on it and add one bead to the jar for each fully completed Sun Salutation.

The nice thing about this challenge is that there is no deadline or rules other than to complete all 800.  Keeping things simple and loose is the goal.  Today I did 5 rounds while my boys did the latest Cosmic Kids Yoga videos.  It was fun sharing my yoga practice with them.

Good luck to Me!